Mayor Bloombergs due bill cuts will exceedingly ravage the boroughs fourteen village boards, supporters and house members pronounced Tuesday during a loud noontime convene outward Queens Borough Hall."If these cuts go through, each bureau will have the district physical education instructor and one or may be dual people," pronounced Patricia Dolan, boss of the Queens Civic Congress and a longtime part of Community Board 8. "I dont think they can manage."More than 100 people, together with house members, inaugurated officials and village leaders, swarming the stairs of Borough Hall, hold signs and chanted, "Stop the Cuts!"Under the due mercantile year 2011 budget, the annual budgets of village play would be slashed to $160,438 from $198,000.But those cuts come on tip of years of decreases, officials said.Queens Borough President Helen Marshall pronounced village play are indispensable some-more than ever during the stream difficult mercantile times."People need some-more entrance to assistance," she said. "There are fourteen offices in Queens where people can find answers on a every day basis."Marshall and others are additionally disturbed that the citys Charter Revision Commission, that is now holding hearings around the city, will suggest weakening or expelling village boards."They are the eyes and the ears of the community," pronounced Councilman Peter Koo (R-Flushing).Councilman Dan Halloran (R-Whitestone) called the play "the summary of democracy in action."The Bloomberg administration department and the City Council are in the surrounded by of bill negotiations. The new bill contingency be authorized prior to the 2011 mercantile year starts on Jul
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