I dreamt this post last night, that frequency happens, but when it does, I figure the Universe is perplexing to thwack me over the head, and I improved compensate attention. So Ill register my dream, in box this knowledge comes not only for me, but for you.Truth is, Ive been neglecting my own health a bit lately. Which, as a alloy compelling optimal physical nature and wellness, feels damn hypocritical. Its only that the stupidity of opening the Owning Pink Center, the funny nuttiness of relaunching OwningPink.com after this month as a big, grown-up website, and the TV/radio/print/internet media broadside Ive been you do around both have thrown me utterly off kilter.A year ago, I was you do so well! I was eating a mostly vegan, mostly tender dishes diet, celebration five immature juices a day, hiking over an hour a day, listening to guided imagery each night to assistance me sleep, removing it on with my prohibited hubby regularly, you do yoga, in attendance dharma talks at the Zen Center, being benefaction for my daughter, expressing myself originally with my portrayal and my writing- the works.Then success hit, and each fright Ive had about being successful- namely that I would utterly lose change and lose myself- has come loyal lately. Ive been eating junky Mexican food, skipping my hikes, forgetful my immature juice, going to bed dual hours after my father and sleeping as well little, operative as well hard, and unwell to maintain myself. THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO LIVE!!!! Sheesh.(Okay, sorry. Ranting is over.) While I never explain to have it all- and Mojo is a gossamer sleazy small sucker, my mental condition was a sign that I regularly essay to Own Pink fully, and nurturing my body, mind and suggestion allows me to do the work I do majority fully. So Im committing to a change- a module of in advance self care. Maybe youll be prone to hang on me. Heres my plan. Ill begin with thirty days, meaningful that if I can hang with it, Ill feel so good at the finish that Ill wish to continue.Next: thirty Day Radical Self Care Challenge
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